Friday, May 25, 2012

the big apple is too big for a bite!

So I hope I'm not being too terribly redundant in all my posts about readjustment but whether or not they're being read, it certainly helps my process to get it all out. This week I've journeyed to NYC to visit some dear friends and make a foray into Boston. Though it's only been 4 days now of travelling, and 2 of those days were spent in Boston, I've been struck by the loveliness that is city-life. Not that Champaign, IL does not have its own charms to recommend itself, but I definitely needed a dose of big city. What I got, was the biggest! What I've enjoyed most is the "AMURKA!"-ness of it all. The 4 different languages I heard next to the US Vets Memorial display in the Boston Common, the 478529043 different looks of people on the NY's amazing and unique.
In a selfish vein, it's been nice to have a crowd to blend into. In New York, I can literally wave my arms above my head and yell "woogedy woogedy" and no one bats an eye. It's a far cry from walking down the street in local clothes, speaking the local language and drawing about as much attention as a 6-legged dog. (Complete with phone photo-ops and exclamations to the nearest deity.)  It's also kinda weird because I think people are still constantly judging me. I look around and wonder if I'm wearing the right thing or if I'm blending in enough (just like i did in Rwanda). I get overly flustered when my metro card doesn't run right, I spend way too much worrying about what I'm wearing, finally deciding on an outfit after trying on 4, only to go back to the first and then spending half an hour struggling with accessories. I'm convinced everyone knows how 'fresh off the plane' I am. I'm convince everyone's thinking...."Um, who let her in this country...back on the streets...where small children could see!?"
Luckily, I'm pretty convinced that it's mostly in my mind. I'm almost positive NYC has not noticed the addition of another 20-something girl with impractical shoes. I just got to get around my crazy enough to enjoy that.

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