Wednesday, November 2, 2011

unique new york

I'm looking at a volcano. I've climbed Diamond Head but I'm looking at this volcano and it's smoking and now that it's dark there's a hazy red glow hovering above the shadow of the volcano. This is another lovely reminder of the uniqueness of this experience. Maybe it'll be more real when I get a chance to travel and enjoy the scenery and not be trying to look at all the problems in a community and how to fix them. I do spend all my time on buses (which happens to be quite a bit) staring out at the beautiful countryside. But honestly, most things are beautiful through the window when you're passing at high speeds. It's nice to remember how unique this all is though. I'm here at an opportune time in my a place full of opportunities. Granted, these opportunities are kinda hard to see some times and even harder to get involved in and make something of....BUT they are there nonetheless and when I'm suffocating/getting claustrophobic inside a squeezie bus (twegerane) or waiting 35 minutes to get a service that takes 30 seconds...Ill try harder to remember all these opportunities and how unique this experience, the people i'm with, the country I'm working in, the unique it all is.

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