Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Final Ponderings and First Impressions

On the Plane…

I’d forgotten this feeling, i didn’t even remember that I’d ever had it, but it’s back,

THAT feeling, the one where you realize you are really actually alive and breathing, every part of your body feels comfortable and real and present and content,

every thought is happy and excited

and beyond that, self-aware: aware of every weakness and completely disregarding them because of the over-powering of all them in awareness of strengths, little ones, the ones that make you who you are and are why and how people remember you…

It’s not a boastful feeling, it’s not even a strong confidence, just a self-assuredness, not even to anyone else but only to yourself. And I get it now, flying over some part of the Artic…it literally rippled through me and it wasn’t just the lack of blood flow to my legs, I’m pretty sure. I LOVE everything about this

And I’m excited for the challenges, I’m not proving anything to anyone, it’s a challenge for myself and my strength and will and comfort and patience, all things I wanna work on in my life to improve myself and be a happier being.

I also like the fresh start that comes with new people…I toy around with the idea of being someone completely different, just to see how differently people react, but that doesn’t seem very nice, although I’m bent and determined to do it someday…I wonder how much would be a different me and how much would be a different PART of me, and it makes you wonder how much of you, how many parts people know of you…a curious idea

It’s weird I’ve got like 5 more hours on the plane that I’ve been on 7 hrs. but I skipped the night….last time I knew it was like 8 pm Illinois time… then we went over the edge of Alaska and it was 9 am…. I’m getting in at like 4 PM Beijing time, but that’s 2 in the am Illinois time…so calling my people might not be very nice

I’m not proud that I thought of but did not grab towels…not so bright on my part; I doubt they’ll have those for us, although they do have sheets and pillows and stuff, very curious all of it and it’s all an open ended question, I have no idea what to expect, but I’m excited

One of the things I’m most excited about is the opportunity to live with a Chinese student and have lunch and outings with them, and though we probably won’t bond hardcore because I’ll be incapable of a decent conversation for about a month; I’ll be let into their life for a bit, which is my FAVORITE part of travel.

I think these are going to alternate between novels and post-it notes. One thing I’m sure of though… I’ll sleep well tonight, if I can make it that far.

In my new home for the next 2 months...
i made it! and i've since met some awesome people and had the best 3 dollar dinner of my LIFE!
i'm one of only like 3 people that haven't taken Chinese and i'm pretty sure the only one who's never been to Asia! aha but it's a great laugh and this whole experience will be truly incredible! i started getting really excited as i walked off the plane and into the airport where everything was in Chinese and into the's crazy and exciting! all of it!! i can't wait till tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

look in your wallet.


Live.Laugh.Love said...

i know that feeling. and i know you. you are going to have such an amazing adventure- think of me and take pictures with brass statues ok?